import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /* 0. TRY to use a UserInterface Manager * 1. DECLARE a frame, then a panel, then components * a. components are buttons, textfield, labels, menus, etc. * 2. CONSTRUCT a frame, then a panel, then components * a. create the components by adding pictures (Icons) if desired * b. have buttons and textfields "listen" for actions * 3. CONSTRUCT a layout then ADD to panel * 4. ADD components to panel * 5. ADD panel to frame * 6. Set the Frame to be visible */ public class SwingTemplate extends JFrame implements ActionListener { // frame which is the window with borders, title bar, min/max/exit buttons private static JFrame f; // panel that will hold the contents (i.e. all the components) private JPanel p; /***************************** These are all components */ // buttons private JButton fancyButton; // text field private JTextField text1; // labels private JLabel fancyLabel; private JMenuBar menuBar; private JMenuItem item1, item2; /***************************** Ending the components */ /** this is where we all start */ public static void main(String arg[]) { // this will allow us to try to use the user interface manager // to change the look and feel of the windows try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel( UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName()); //other possible user interface managers...try some of these instead ... //UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); //UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing if a problem...just quit } // this will really do all the work! // it declares and creates a new application SwingTemplate app = new SwingTemplate(); // needed at bottom to of main() to be able to close the application f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //f.setSize(250,350); // use this to set the size of the window f.pack(); // automatically resize window (use instead of setSize) f.setVisible(true); } // main() /** constructor that creates or instatiates the frame, panel, layout, etc. */ public SwingTemplate() { // Create the overall window for the application f = new JFrame("Swing Template"); // create the content panel to be put in the frame p = new JPanel(); // set the layout to use default FlowLayout which fills the screen // from left to right. //FlowLayout layout = new FlowLayout(); // set the layout which will be in a grid measuring 3 rows x 2 columns GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3,2); // set the layout to use Borders. When "add"ing compents to the // content or pane, we must specify // BorderLayout.NORTH, BorderLayout.SOUTH, ...EAST, WEST, and CENTER // example: p.add(fancyButton, BorderLayout.EAST); // BorderLayout layout = new BorderLayout(5,5); // set whichever layout is chosen above p.setLayout( layout); // call the following methods so that they will // create & add each of the labels, buttons, & textfields // to the content panel addLabelsToContentPanel(); addButtonsToContentPanel(); addFieldToContentPanel(); addMenuToFrame(); // finally add the content to the window f.setContentPane(p); } /** create and add for the labels to the content panel */ public void addLabelsToContentPanel() { // get an icon (a small picture) for the second label // make sure it is in the same folder as this program // add the icon to the label and put the picture to the left // of the text, then add the label to the container Icon myPicture = new ImageIcon("butterfly.gif"); fancyLabel = new JLabel("Fancy Label", myPicture, SwingConstants.LEFT); fancyLabel.setToolTipText("tooltip for fancy label"); p.add(fancyLabel); } /** create,add, and attach events for the text fields to the content panel */ public void addFieldToContentPanel() { text1 = new JTextField(10); // create the textfield & set size to 10 text1.setEditable(true); // the user can change it p.add(text1); // add it to the content text1.addActionListener(this); // listen for an mouse click } /** create, add, and attach events for the buttons * to the content panel */ public void addButtonsToContentPanel() { // create a fancy button with pictures and a rollover Icon frog = new ImageIcon("frog.gif"); Icon buffalo = new ImageIcon("buffalo.gif"); fancyButton = new JButton("Fancy Button", frog); fancyButton.setRolloverIcon(buffalo); // add the button to the content pane then listen for clicks p.add(fancyButton); fancyButton.addActionListener(this); } /** this will add menu items and a menu to the menuBar then add * to the frame (not the panel) */ public void addMenuToFrame() { menuBar = new JMenuBar(); JMenu menu = new JMenu("first menu"); // create first menu item then listen for clicks and add to menu item1 = new JMenuItem("remove textfield"); item1.addActionListener(this); menu.add(item1); // do the same for 2nd menu item item2 = new JMenuItem("Quit"); item2.addActionListener(this); menu.add(item2); //add menu to the menuBar menuBar.add(menu); //finally add to frame f.setJMenuBar(menuBar); } /** handle the actions were taken in the application window */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // if button was pressed change the text field if (e.getSource() == fancyButton) { // swap the text from fancy to plain and back again if (text1.getText().("fancy")) { text1.setText("plain"); } else { text1.setText("fancy"); } } // if the textfield was typed in then change the label if (e.getSource() == text1) { fancyLabel.setText(text1.getText()); } if (e.getSource() == item1) { // note: wont remove from screen until resize/update called p.remove(text1); } if (e.getSource() == item2) { System.exit(0); } repaint(); } } // SwingTemplate