Fundamentals of Programming

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill

Chapter 3-1 Exercises

Name____________________________ Checked By: ____________________________

  1. ___ / 9 pts Chapter 3-1, Example Snowman meets Snowgirl [page 62]
    • ____ Commenting (3 pts)
    • ____ Method - World.catchAttention (4 pts)
    • ____ Method - calling or using World.catchAttention from World.myFirstMethod twice (2 pts)
  2. ___ / 14pts Chapter 3-1, Exercise 1 - Confused Kanga [page 69]
    • ____ Commenting - one for each method (3 pts)
    • ____ Initial World - Kanga the Kangaroo, Roads, Signs (1pt)
    • ____ Method called World.hopLeft where Kanga turns left a small amount and hops, and then turns to face the sign (3pts)
    • ____ Method called World.hopRight where Kanga turns right a small amount and hops, and then turns to face the sign (3pts)
    • ____In first method, alternately call, invoke, or use the World.hopLeft and World.hopRight methods (twice) (4pts)
  3. ___ / 27 pts Chapter 3-1, Exercise 3 - Rabbit Maze
    • ____ Commenting (5 pts)
    • ____ Initial Scene - WhiteRabbit object from Animals folder standing at the edge of a maze. The class maze is created using blocks from the Shapes folder. (8 pts)
    • ____ Methods - World.walkingForward and WorldWorld.walkingBackward methods for the rabbit to walk forward and backward. (4pts)
    • ____ Methods - World.TurnLeft and World.TurnRight methods for the rabbit to turn left and turn right. (4pts)
    • ____ first method, call the four methods in an order that will guide the rabbit successfully through the maze (4 pts)
    • ____ Rewind through the maze (2pts)         

TOTAL SCORE: ______ / 50 points