Fundamentals of Programming

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill

Chapter 7-1 Exercises

Name____________________________ Checked By: ____________________________

  1. ___ / 5 pts Chapter 7-1, Example 1 - Bunny Hop [Page 203 - 206]
    • ____ [1 pts] Initial World - Bunny in a garden with broccoli (or other vegetable)
    • ____ [2 pts] Method - Bunny.hop lifts the bunny's legs up then down while moving a forward
    • ____ [2 pts] Loop - using a loop and a count, have the bunny hop to the broccoli (or other vegetable)
  2. ___ / 21 pts Chapter 7-1, Example 2 - Moonwalk [page 206 - 210]
    • ____ [1 pt] Initial World - Astronaut on the moon
    • ____ [7 pts] Commenting (at least 1 per method...more complicated methods will need more than 1 comment)
    • ____ [4 pts] Method - Astronaut.slideBackLeft works
    • ____ [4 pts] Method - Astronaut.slideBackRight works
    • ____ [2 pts] Method - Astronaut.moonWalk works
    • ____ [3 pts] Method & Loop- World.myFirstMethod which makes the astronaut moonwalk 5 times using a loop
  3. ___ / 9 pts Chapter 7-1, Exercise 2 - SquareBunnyHop
    • ____ [1 pt] Initial World - Bunny with a Bunny.hop method as in Example 1 and a papa bunny
    • ____ [2 pts] Method - World.myFirstMethod - the bunny hops in a square.
    • ____ [4 pts] Loop #1 - Use a loop to:
      • make the Bunny hop 3 times.
      • When the loop ends, have the Bunny turn left ¼ revolution.
    • ____ [2 pts] Loop #2 - Add another loop to repeat the above actions 4 times as shown in the storyboard on page 215.
  4. ___ / 5 pts Chapter 7-1, Exercise 5 – SaloonSign [Page 216]
    • ____ [1 pts] Commenting
    • ____ [2 pts] Initial World - An old saloon with 3D text (see Tips & Techniques from Chapter 1, page 29) hanging on the front of the balcony.
    • ____ [2 pts] Loop to make the sign blink 10 times.

TOTAL SCORE: ______ / 40 points