Fundamentals of Programming

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill

Final Project - Game Design


Student Name ________________________________________________________________


Teacher Pre-Approval Initials ________________________________


This is the first component of your final project. It is due the BEFORE final exam and must be approved and SIGNED by your teacher


  1. [2.5 pts] Description of Game. (In one paragraph, write what the game is and what the player does.)

  2. [2.5 pts] Objective of Game. (In one paragraph, write how the player wins or loses at the game.)

  3. [20 pts] Elements of Game (Fill in the following lines and explain what required programming elements you will need)

    • Note: You may use more elements in your game but the following will be the elements you will be graded on. See notes below for further details.
    1. Object #1 (see note 4 below)
      1. Name & Purpose of Object ______________________________________________________
      2. Custom Method of Object _______________________________________________________
    2. Object #2 (see note 4 below)
      1. Name & Purpose of Object ______________________________________________________
      2. Custom Method of Object _______________________________________________________
    3. Object Parameter (see note 3 below)
      1. Purpose of Parameter __________________________________________________________
      2. Location of Parameter (name of object & method ) ______________________________________
    4. Number Parameter (see note 3 below)
      1. Purpose of Parameter __________________________________________________________
      2. Location of Parameter (name of object & method ) ______________________________________
    5. Event #1

      1. Name & Purpose of Event _______________________________________________________
    6. Event #2
      1. Name & Purpose of Event _______________________________________________________
    7. World Method #1
      1. Name & Purpose of Method ______________________________________________________
    8. World Method #2
      1. Name & Purpose of Method ______________________________________________________
    9. Question (Function) #1
      1. Name & Purpose of Question/Function ______________________________________________________
    10. Question (Function) #2
      1. Name & Purpose of Question/Function ______________________________________________________
    11. Loop #1 (see note 1 below)
      1. Location of Loop (name of object & method) ___________________________________________
      2. Purpose of Loop ________________________________________________________________
    12. Loop #2 (see note 1 below)
      1. Location of Loop (name of object & method) ___________________________________________
      2. Name & Purpose of Loop _________________________________________________________
    13. Distance calculation (see note 2 below)
      1. Location of calculation (name of object & method) ________________________________________
      2. Name & Purpose of Distance Calculation ________________________________________________

Notes on Requirements:

  1. Game must use at least two non-trivial loops (an example of a trivial loop would be to use a loop to spin three revolutions, when you could have just set the number of revolutions in the command to be three).
  2. Program must make at least one distance calculations for the distance an object moves. This can be an object moving to within a certain distance of another object, an object moving a certain percentage of the distance to another object, or anything else of this nature.
  3. At least two methods written for this project will make use of parameters. Numbers and objects will each be used at least once as a parameter for a method. You should call a method containing a parameter more than once to illustrate the parameter�s purpose of passing information to the method
  4. At least two custom objects each of which is required to have at least one new method.
  5. Your game must last approximately 2-5 minutes. If it is too easy or too hard you will lose points on the final rubric.
  6. A billboard on the initial scene with instructions for the player must be displayed at the start of the game