/** * Author: Brady O'Brien * Date: April 10, 2013 * This is the povray scene description to draw that thing I described */ //This is generated by balls.py. It has the xyz position of every ball at every frame. #include "balls.inc" //Used to make the balls look metallic #include "metals.inc" //This would be a camera. It rotates around the whole scene throughout the animation camera { location <110*sin(2*pi*clock),70,-110*cos(2*pi*clock)> look_at 0 } //and This is a source of light light_source { <0,900,0> color rgb <1,1,1> } //The fountain merge{ cylinder { <0,0,0>,<0,3,0>,2 } cone { <0,3,0>,2,<0,1,0>,1 } texture{ pigment{ color rgb <.1,.2,1> } finish{ reflection{ 0.1 metallic 0.1 } } } } //The plane under the balls plane { y,-1 texture{ pigment{ color rgb<.8,.8,.8> } } finish { ambient .2 diffuse .6 specular .75 roughness .001 reflection { .5 } } } //Figure out about which frame we are at #declare xframe = floor(clock); //Draw all of the balls in the scene #declare i = 0; #while(i,1 pigment { rgb <1,.2,1> } } #declare i = i + 1; #end