Lewis and Clark Community College
Godfrey, Illinois

CIS 210 - Java Programming

Resources Page

Software Requirements

The following software [to be installed in the following order] may be used in this course.


The following assumes the student is using Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7/8 operating systems. If you are using a Apple Macintosh or Linux operating system, please see the instructor.

Due to the nature of software development, the following may not be not "up-to-date" with the most recent versions of software. While the most recent versions should work on most student PC's, the versions below have been installed and tested by the instructor at school and on his computers.

  1. Java Developers Kit (JDK)
    1. see your instructor for a copy (need a flashdrive) or:
    2. Download free (registration required) at Oracle's website.
      1. Newer versions are available and may work, but the classroom version can be found by:
      2. clicking on the "Previous Releases" button then scroll down the webpage until you see "Java SE 6"
      3. clicking on "Java SE 6" will take you further down the page.
      4. click on the "Accept License Agreement" radio button and then:
      5. On the row showing: Windows x86 69.85 MB, click on the "jdk-6u45-windows-i586.exe" to download

    3. Note: do NOT install the "jre" or Java Runtime Environment which only allows computers to run Java programs but not for you to type Java programs
  2. Textpad
    1. Download free at TextPad's website
    2. Use either the FTP (USA) link or the HTTP (USA 1) link
    3. You may need to enable the toolbars by selecting on the menubar:  Configure > Preferences > Tools > Add (drop down list) > SDK
      Note: Part A (Java Developer's Kit) above MUST be completed before Textpad will recognize and configure the appropriate Tool or Hammer Buttons.
  3. BlueJ
    1. Download free at BlueJ's website
    2. Use the BlueJ version 3.0.8 (bluej-308.msi)

Useful Websites

  1. Notepad++ : instructions for an alternate text-based editor
  2. Good Summary of Java Topics at www.leepoint.net
  3. Practice Java Logic and Language Questions at www.javabat.com



Revision Date: August, 2016